Welcome and thank you for
visiting Traveling Online, an Online Magazine about Traveling Virtually
Anywhere. We designed this virtual travel site to be a great resource
for traveling to destinations here on the Internet. We created it
as a way to visit the cities and countries of your dreams and to glimpse
places of wonder and mystique.
Here you will find the wonderful travel
tales that only come from the true adventure of traveling. We
offer stories that are honest personal experiences and not the
hype of travel agencies and promotional writers.
As we receive travel stories, adventures, and
images from avid travelers, professional photographers, and individuals
like yourself, we plan to add them to the VTravel section. In many
ways, this is Your virtual travel magazine. You can help shape what
you see here. If you travel for business, pleasure, or as a profession,
Traveling Online can be a showcase for your writing, your photography,
and your traveler's vision of the world.
an effort to help offset the cost of maintaining this site and
to help us add new destinations, we have add various shopping
opportunities for products and services that will aid in your
travel experiences and in your everyday life.
We have researched these companies and feel they provide good
value for your money. Please use the links on the pages of this
site to start your purchases so we get the proper credit.
Thanks you and Happy travels!
If you are interested in contributing
to this effort,
contact us at: submit@travelingonline.com
Next you will want to visit the
Main Menu to to explore the possibilities.
Now sit back, relax and enjoy your
travel adventure.